Episode 21: Melanie Sponholz

Welcome to MentorCore, Melanie Sponholz. Melanie is the Chief Compliance Officer for WCP Healthcare at Waud Capital Partners. Melanie also teaches at Fordham Law. The world of compliance and the…
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Episode 20: Mary Shirley

Howdy and welcome back to another MentorCore. We have a return visitor this week. Mary Shirley (https://www.linkedin.com/in/iheartcompliance/), who by day is the Head of Culture of Culture and Compliance Education…
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Episode 19: Ryan René Rosado

Ryan René Rosado joins us this week to talk about her decade’s worth of journey into and through the field of information security. Ryan is a Demand Manager II at…
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Episode 18: Jonathan Feldman

Say hello to Jonathan Feldman, CIO for the City of Asheville, North Carolina, our guest this week on MentorCore. A seasoned leader in both the public and private sector, Jonathan,…
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Episode 17: Ami Barnard Bahn

This we welcome Amii Barnard Bahn, Founder and CEO of Barnard-Bahn Coaching to MentorCore. We have got a great episode this week! Amii has had an amazing and diverse career…
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Episode 16: Katie Hanahan

We are joined this week by Katie Hanahan, VP Cybersecurity Strategy at ITSavvy. In a nutshell, this episode covers Katie's journey from selling and supporting military technology efforts to being…
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Episode 15: Jeff Peal

Joining us this week is Jeff Peal, Information Security Officer at Sullivan Potter. Jeff joins us today to talk about these great topics: The importance of curiosity and wanting to…
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Episode 00: Lori Crever

Our guest this week is Lori Crever, the author of an amazing book, Protégé Power that helps protégés better prepare, understand and benefit from the mentoring process. Over the course…
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Episode 13: Erik Wille

Offensive or Defensive? Getting out of the hero mindset in security Burnout prevention and rehab after burnout DO you have to be technical to be a security leader or Ciso?…
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Episode 11: Jerry Shafran

Welcome to MentorCore. This week we are joined by Jerry Shafran, founder and CEO of YouCompli, a leading healthcare compliance technology company. In our episode, Jerry focuses on the bridge…
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