Wear a Stop Sign On Your Shirt

Broadcom’s change of support for VMWare continues to shake the security buyer world An increase in attacks on hypervisors Distilling Security website Upcoming event on July 18 2024 in Cass…
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Mine Everything

Sorry about the audio on this one. We have got the tech back on track for the next episode. I promise! Join the Great Security Debate as Brian, Erik, and…
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Potpourri of Debate… Now with AI

It’s an “all rounder” episode of The Great Security Debate. Brian watched a movie, Erik watched an advertisement, and Dan was overtly cynical. Just another day in the podcast booth…
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The Downfall of All Security (Sales)

It’s not easy to sell things. It’s even harder to sell to security practitioners and leaders. The Great Security Debate this week covers some angles in security tools (and selling…
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Less LLM, More Piano

This week we are debating modern AI systems, especially the commercial ones on just about everyone’s lips when talking about CVs, high school term papers, and interview answers. Large Language…
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Security *is* Business!

It’s been a minute, but we are back with another Great Security Debate! Whether it is compliance, trust, questionnaires, we all sell something to someone and security is core to…
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Jess and Jeff Invade

Welcome to a very special Great Security Debate. If it is spring, it means that the annual Forrester “Top Recommendations For Your Security Program” report has come out, and we…
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This week, Brian, Erik, and Dan look into the security impacts of last week’s Silicon Valley Bank closure, both from a direct security risk, but also what we can learn…
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