There are a few ways for you to support your favourite Distilling Security show and the network, with new ones coming throughout 2024.
We are starting with a simple “support the show” option. If you like what we do, why not kick in a little to help keep the show going? When you do, drop us a line ( let us know what show you listen to, and what made you decide to contribute. Click the button below to support our work now. You will be taken to Ko-Fi, that securely process these contributions.
You can contribute one time in an amount of your choosing (every $5 helps!), or as ongoing support through a recurring monthly payment.
We are grateful for your support! We have not gone down the sponsorship route yet as we wanted to consider how to ethically do so (or if to do so at all). With the funds from donations we will bring on editing help to allow us to make more episodes and start more shows; get some new equipment to upgrade the production value all around; and eventually build out an in-person studio.
Until now, we have funded all our shows out of our own pockets to cover hardware, software, bandwidth, hosting fees, along with giving our time to record, edit, and market the shows. If you get value or enjoyment from any of our shows, supporting the shows and the network will help make sure they continue.
Note: Distilling Security is not a charity nor a non-profit organisation, so support contributions are likely not tax deductible in most jurisdictions. Always work with a knowledgeable and certified tax advisor in your location/country for accurate information.