The Winds of Change

The time for job change happens and there are a lot of things go along with it including. We cover a ton of them in this week’s episode:

  • The reasons to make a career change
  • Deciding the time is right to make a change (and how do you know)
  • Taking our own advice when it comes to our own career change
  • The importance of support of family to make more drastic changes
  • The power of self-reflection and the need to let go of the present to achieve the future
  • The importance of strong personal and community networking in career growth
  • Impostor syndrome
  • Certification overload in security and privacy
  • Letting someone you know that it may be time for them to make a change

And the quote of the day is from The Great One, Wayne Gretsky – you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!

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